Come pagare con carta di debito/credito
Pay with debit/credit card
PayPal guest checkout allows you to make a payment using your debit/credit card and without registering for a PayPal account.
If you never have PayPal record on your Mobile Phone or Computer, during your checkout with PayPal, it will normally take you to the guest checkout straight away:
Then, you could directly checkout by entering your debit/credit Card information without registering on PayPal.
And if you are not directly jump to the page above, you will see another page like this:
On this page, click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" you will then jump to the page to fulfill debit/credit card information, in this way you could success checkout without registering on PayPal.
Notice: Because of the pre-order steps, we need to use PayPal for secure the payment, even you decided registering or not on PayPal, we suggest using the platform to secure ordering process. Guide referring from How do my website’s visitors use PayPal guest checkout?